I'm not very interested in politics; however, like any conscious skin-sack breathing on his own accord, I can name the governor, a few senators, and some of the major figures in the political world. It's hard to avoid, 24-hour new's cycles, yammering talking heads, sound-bytes of sound-bytes, investigative journalism that uncover the shit storm we've found ourselves in. At this point in history, it's impossible not to know the president if you're American; actually, I think it's treason. I hear saggy, old bankers and investors, watch auto leaders crap themselves, selling out their first born's first born for some government credit, and see bumbling icons six months past dead filibuster a bill because it offers $5,000 for stem-cell research on abandoned muskrats of the Tallaweega River Basin. Politics gets on my nerves but has found a place in the social content of modern life, and is inescapable. Like siege warfare, the Olberman and the Maddow have surrounded us, barking up the walls to drive us out. You can see, I don't have much patience for political reports, especially those that push an agenda.
However, I cam across this
website. The 50 most loathsome people in American in 2008 have found a comprehensive catalog of offences, evidence, and the proper punishment. I really enjoyed #40, the Free Credit Report.com Guy, and #32, Ben Stein. Uthman and Murphy, with

all of their contributors, have drawn together the greatest annoyances of the past year with a great deal of wit and cynicism, making me laugh, honestly laugh while I read it. I boosted two of my favorite cartoons.Up top, Joe Lieberman visually depicted during the Democratic circus to find and support the leader of a party too easily fragmented by a weak, central power. Lieberman is "the kind of suppressive asshole who would accuse you of helping terrorists by beating him at checkers should not be Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security." And to my right, the respected governess of Alaska, Sarah Palin who "used her baby as a Pro-life stage prop before crowds who cooed when they should have been hurling polonium-tipped javelins." If news were always this funny, maybe more of us would pay attention.
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